These are pages from the mini album.
This is on a little piece of wood
Some layouts.
These are pages from the mini album.
This is on a little piece of wood
Some layouts.
I want this dress so bad, but it is sold out!
Number 2!
I could die for this bedding. I already put the bug in a bridesmaid's ear that maybe this could be a gift for an upcoming event!! lol
Number 3!
Love this! I may purchase it for engagment photos...i'm on the hunt for outfits.
Number 4!
This couch is FABulous! I need this for my next abode.
Number 5!
This bed has seriously been created with my heart in mind. I saw this bed in person this weekend with the bedding above on it and I could have melted into a puddle. I am trying to convince Shane that we need to purchase this bed for our new marriage. You know, new bed, new it works (cross your fingers)!
Number 6!
Isn't this the perfect setting for your nuptuals. I think so!
Number 7!
This would be gorgeous with my gown. It may be ordered.
Number 9!
A couple of my photographer's latest bridals....he could not be more perfect for me!!!
Number 10!
Decorating my studio with Polaroids. I love it!
Okay so this one is filled with wedding and house stuff...but that is my life right now. I am off to tan and hit the gym.
This weekend: I get to put my wedding dress on again and we are also going get bridesmaids dresses. I am excited to see my dress again because I am a lot more toned than a few weeks ago. YAY!
KK...i'm beginning to ramble. Have a great afternoon!
I mean don't all MATURE 23 and 24 year old girls spend the weekends smoking fake cigs. Oh who cares how immature we are....we relived our childhood for one whole night and it was lovely.
On another note....I really don't like to get too personal on my blog because hey! it is a blog...but I have to vent today. I feel like i am constantly sacrificing, giving, doing, and being there for everyone in my life. I HATE that there are times when I do not get it in return. And is my WEDDING....and also....all i do for you....I MEAN REALLY don't tell me you are going to do something and then NOT do it. Just be honest from the BEGINNING. COULD PEOPLE JUST STICK TO THEIR GOSH DARN WORD?????? ugghhhh! Anyways I had to let that out!
I will be back in a bit with 10 lil things that I love!
(c'mon big GUY get me through!)
All of this yellow. Yellow walls, yellow hair, yellow dress. Yellow is a great color for spring. Loves it!
Number 2!
Fresh flowers. I swear if I could afford to have them in my house every day of my life, I would. I also wish we had a cool shop around here with flowers outside like this.
Number 3!
This beat up pink door. I want one like this hanging in my studio....I needa get on finding that!
Number 4!
This lovely photo of these lovely ladies having their hands immortalized. I am so glad I was able to visit this place. Vera, can we go tonite??
Number 5!
Lots and lots of balloons. I love getting balloons for any always makes me smile!
Number 6!
This curly little hair....Can LuLU's hair look like this when she gets bigger pleeeeeeeeease!
Number 7!
This random but fabuous beyond FABULOUS family photo....and i thought my family photos were hilarious!
Number 8!
Pretty dining rooms with mix match chairs and table. I sooooo want this look for my home. I need to start flea marketing on overload again.
Number 9!
This photo...i want it framed and in my living room!
Number 10!
This little saying is great and it will be my moto for tomorrow!
Well my feels good to visit my blog again. I am headed to bed..golden girls and then bed that is!!! I will talk to you all soon. Have a good thursday. You know what thursday comes friday! Praise Jehovah!
It has been quite a while and I have been a busy little bee. I have been trying to do as much wedding planning as possible. I have also been swamped with my usual. EXCITING NEWS: I ordered my wedding dress two weekends ago. It was quite the easy process. Everyone was prepared to go to another state and I only tried on four dresses and it was over. The dress that was purchased was the only one that I have seen in over 50 magazines that has sparked my interest. We went to one place, I tried that dress on first, tried three more on, and knew that nothing else was going to compare to the first dress. There were many tears and smiles and it was just a great experience. Here is a small peek at the dress. Just a little teaser.
Sorry that is all you get guys but the only people that can see the dress before the wedding are the bridesmaids. So's just a thing that I have!
Anyways, I am so ready for some creating time. I have a little project that I wanna tackle and I would really like to start this week. I want to do a small scrapbook of this year of engagement with tons of journaling and personal thoughts. I think it would be fun to have.
Well, I am off to watch some Golden Girls before bed. I just wanted to leave you guys with some updates because a lot of people have been fussing about the delayed posts. I will post more soon...hopefully! Here's a little eye candy to get you through the rest of the week. Nighty Night!
Oh how I love vintage clothes.
And this is just lovely...i mean who doesn't like to be told that they are beautiful.