Okay so I have an EXCITING announcement. Some of you may already know that I am going to be opening a scrapbook store here in Thibodaux. This has been a dream of mine for years and years. The opportunity has been presenting itself since my early twenties and, now, I am finally taking the plunge. I am not buying Vera's store and I did not steal the idea from her. This is something that has been coming up in my life even before Vera opened Scrapalicious. After helping Vera through the journey of the store, I really feel like I was made to do this. You all know that I DESPISED teaching this past year and I was praying for what God wanted me to do. Well, he has been telling me all along but I was too scared to take the plunge. When Vera decided to close Scrapalicious, I knew that it was my time to follow my dream. All of the paperwork is complete, the building is found, and I have already begun placing my orders. The name of the store will be......(I'm imagining a drumroll....)

Yes, it will be called Inspire A Scrapbook Boutique. It will be located down Laura Drive in Thibodaux. It is in a little shopping center across from Anytime Fitness...next to the new Capital One Drive Thru bank. I will be opening somewhere around the first of September. I am planning what I hope to be a fabulous grand opening event. I am trying to line up a great teacher. I will definatley keep you posted. If you were a customer of Scrapalicious, you will be receiving information by e-mail/mail. I am working on getting a blog for the store and will also keep you updated with that! Here is the e-mail address for the store, inspirescrapboutique@gmail.com. If you are not sure if your info is stored at Scrapalicious, e-mail me here and I will send you updates. I hope that you are all excited and I hope that you are all ready to shop and scrap!
I am thrilled, scared, nervous, at peace, confused, overwhelmed, and lovin all of it!!!! I hope I can bring some inspiration to you all through the new store! Thanks for the support! If you are not supportive......who gives a hoot :)
Much love, Ash**